“Identifying critical habitat is an important step for manta ray conservation in the region.” Her work on the gentle oceanic giant was published in the journal Environmental Biology of Fishes ...
The graceful manta rays gliding along the coastline are little known and humans have caused a significant a decline in their numbers This content is restricted to subscribers only. Our commitment ...
The largest ray in the world (up to 8m wide!), the giant manta is a graceful and gentle ... finding their way by following topographical maps using ocean landmarks, such as seamounts.
The North Coast is an important migration corridor for the endangered giant oceanic manta ray, with Ballito being an important sighting point. Marine researchers are calling for the establishment ...
which make this an ocean on the edge. The manta is the largest of the rays and can weigh up to 1.5 tonnes. One of the world's largest manta ray populations is found off the southern coast of ...
Penguins are small marine animals but have an extremely smart functioning brain which helps them in their survival. Sea Lions ...