Who wouldn’t want to be sniffed by the sweet Netherland Dwarf rabbit in this adorable post from rabbit_hoppe0507? The bunny’s nose is twitching away while it enjoys some gentle pets from its human.
LOS ANGELES: Easter may be a month away, but that didn’t stop BunnyDayOff, a Netherland Dwarf rabbit, from hopping his way ...
Mr Cornelius Lee, 45, and Ms Polly Lim, 44, are proud parents of six rabbits. Aged between one and seven years old, they include a mini lop, a French lop, two Holland lops, a Netherland dwarf and ...
The little Netherland Dwarf bunny shown above is a pet, so it does not rely on its sense of smell in the same way wild rabbits do. However, rabbits predominantly interact with the world through scent.