A recent study compared features of Neanderthals' inner ears across space and time to extrapolate what happened to them tens of thousands of years ago.
Neanderthal fossils show a major population drop 110,000 years ago. Researchers link this to reduced genetic diversity.
New study challenges the theory that Neanderthals originated after an evolutionary event that implied the loss of part of ...
The climate and early human societies were changing quickly during the fall of our closest evolutionary relative—and are big clues to the causes of their demise.
More than just mere cavemen, our Stone Age kin exhibited intelligence in surprising ways, making them more human than ...
Neanderthal genes seem to have hung around long after Neanderthals ... With every element returning the similar date range, ...
Conde-Valverde, co-author of the study, said, "By including fossils from a wide geographical and temporal range, we were able to capture a comprehensive picture of Neanderthal evolution.
Tinshemet Cave in Israel shows that homo sapiens and Neanderthals interacted and exchanged more profoundly than previously understood.
Advanced radiocarbon dating has provided the most accurate age assessment yet for the “Lapedo Child,” one of the most ...
Researchers used a novel method of radiocarbon dating to figure out the age of the Lapedo child, who had both Neanderthal and ...
Scientists have successfully dated the remains of the Lapedo Child, which possesses a "mosaic" of Human and Neanderthal ...
Neanderthal genes seem to have hung around ... With every element returning the similar date range, researchers believe they found more information about the burial process, which could have ...