I wanted to understand the advantages of LED lighting over traditional options, and it turns out there's more to it than just ...
When it comes time to replace them, why go with the same lighting solution when there are better options? The LED light technology that illuminates the newest models can work with your older car too.
Early adopters of LED lighting will remember 50,000 hour or even 100,000 hour lifetime ratings printed on the box. But during a recent trip to the hardware store the longest advertised lifetime I ...
Compact fluorescent bulbs are suitable for general interior lighting in spaces like hallways, kitchens, and bathrooms.
Before LED lights were introduced, many auto companies used halogen bulbs to light up the road, typically producing 900 to 1,000 lumens of light. LED bulbs however produce from 3,600 to 4,500 ...
environmentally sound lighting option: the LED (light emitting diode). Also: Don't plug these 7 appliances (including space heaters) into extension cords - here's why A rudimentary form of LED ...