Kim Il Sung was seen by Moscow as “sufficiently ... “For the first time, the Pyongyangites heard his unusually hoarse voice,” his biographer writes. “He read his short speech hailing ...
Before defecting to South Korea in 1991, Ko was a diplomat in Pyongyang who served as an interpreter of French for the country’s founder, Kim Il Sung. Ko cited recent news reports from the ...
Kim Il-sung ruined the economy, hoarded power and saw his countrymen slaughtered, as Fyodor Tertitskiy’s Accidental Tyrant reveals On October 14 1945, a crowd in Pyongyang gathered to hear an ...
and grandfather Kim Il-sung. The visit coincided with the Day of the Shining Star, a national holiday in North Korea on February 16, Kim Jong-il’s birthday. According to the Korean Central News ...