Are you craving the irresistible combination of creamy filling and crunchy chocolate from an Oreo? But the thought of baking a full-fledged cake sends shivers down your time-strapped spine?
We all love to eat cake, but sometimes it takes a lot of time to make it. But today we are going to tell you the Oreo mug cake which is ready in minutes to quench your cravings.
Of course an inexpensive trifle bowl make this whole dessert, as it's all about layering and display with a trifle recipe. 1 round chocolate cake (9") baked and cooled 1 package, 4.2 oz ...
Customers can get their first bites of the Oreo cookies & cream cake starting Monday ... a sweeter partnership than bringing together our recipe with the iconic OREO cookie,” Angie Eckelkamp ...