These blends have been created by selecting grass cultivars that commonly exhibit dark hues, such as Kentucky bluegrass and tall fescue. Using these unique mixes of Blackout seeds can give you the ...
Maintaining a healthy lawn can take a lot of work, and even more to do it so it doesn’t harm lakes and rivers. Traditional lawns often consist of Kentucky bluegrass, a hardy grass that can ...
Extension Educator, agricultural productions systems McLeod/Meeker County Many lawns have bare spots from drought conditions over the last couple of months, but recently the moisture has been ...
Tall fescue is an introduced ... and smooth and grow mostly erect. The grass usually grows between 24 and 48 inches tall. The root system is deep, extensive and fibrous. Tannish-brown color, oblong ...
For lawns, it is commonly added to tall fescue seed blends in small quantities ... for native “no-mow” or “low-input” mixes. Creeping Bentgrass - (CBG) Agrostis stolonifera This fine-textured grass is ...