he roared in a speech which he compelled every German radio station to broadcast. “We want a break with what a rotten brand of Democracy has produced, and realize that all that is great can be ...
Based on participation percentages alone — 83% to 64% — you would say the German democracy is more vigorous than the U.S. democracy. In the U.S. election, more than a third of the electorate, 90 ...
Matthew Brookes discusses the recent German election, and warns that increasing polarisation could lead to the return of extreme politics in Germany.
“What German democracy — what no democracy, American, German or European — will survive is telling millions of voters that their thoughts and concerns, their aspirations, their pleas for ...
Sociability is a prerequisite as much for globalization as it is for liberal democracy. “America first” (or its equivalent in Germany, “Deutschland zuerst”) is its antithesis. Founding ...
Germany prides itself on what it calls its “defensive democracy,” bolstered by constitutional measures meant to “defend the liberal democratic basic order.” Since 1945, mainstream ...