If you've been walking around your yard and noticed some of the needles on your conifers turning brown, don't panic. There ...
Many homeowners are concerned this spring because the needles of many conifers have turned purple, red or rust-colored. The immediate assumption is that the trees are dead or dying. Although the ...
The ground cover varies from bare patches of partially decayed conifer needles and debris to a profusion of mosses and lichens. Herbaceous plant species are limited, with wood sorrel, bunchberry, ...
People used conifers, needle-leafed trees, most commonly, but broadleaf evergreens became holiday symbols in regions where conifers were rare-like holly in England. Today, the tradition of the ...
Like the trees that produce them, bristlecone needles are long-lived ... Unlike their towering (and also long-lived) fellow conifers, the sequoias, bristlecone pines put a greater premium on ...
which is different from the regular shape of many other conifers. However, as they grow to more than 100 feet, they become more uniform in shape. Eastern hemlock has short, flat needles that grow in a ...
Feeley says the January thaws forced some trees to use the water reserves in their needles. “So even though the ground is frozen, the ambient temperature above is warm, and the conifers are ...