Decades of data following the migratory patterns of endangered caribou show that migration areas have decreased significantly ...
An extensive, decades-long analysis tracking endangered caribou populations has revealed that migration patterns are eroding.
Scientists tracked caribou to find better conservation methods based on their movements, behaviors, and habitats.
A 35-year look at 800 southern mountain caribou across B.C. and Alberta shows major declines in unique seasonal migration ...
New research from UBC Okanagan shows the migration areas of endangered caribou have decreased significantly, and resource extraction may be to blame. Dr. Clayton Lamb is a researcher with UBC Okanagan ...
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Once one of the states largest caribou herds, southwestern Alaska's Mulchatna caribou herds' low population has failed to ...
Michael McLeod, Member of Parliament for the Northwest Territories, on behalf of the Honourable Jonathan Wilkinson, Canada's Minister of Energy and Natural Resources, along with Tłı̨chǫ Grand Chief ...
The study shows caribou herds changed their migratory duration, distance or elevation over 35 years of radio tag tracking.