If you have interest in what feels like it should be a less expensive option, you may consider buying a DIY spray ... the process of adding the liquid grass seed. In addition to matching the ...
People generally sow buffalo grass seed from April to September. The seed needs light to germinate, and the soil should be kept moist (but not drenched). When buying, the seed package should say ...
If you want a fantastic lawn, but don’t want the expense of buying turf, try creating it from seed. Grass seed is best sown from late summer to mid-autumn; there is less competition from weeds ...
The Native Yard Project, is accepting applications for the Cash for Grass Grant Program to residents in Richland County.
A new variety of Kentucky bluegrass has been commercially released by researchers at Washington State University. "Matchless," developed from another bluegrass variety called "Kenblue," offers seed ...
The best regions to practice dormant seeding in February include Northern and transitional areas where cool-season grasses ...
“It’s unfortunate, because the Rathdrum Prairie area is outstanding for grass seed and other production,” said Michael Neff, professor at the WSU Department of Crop and Soil Sciences.
A new grass variety, 'Matchless,' offers seed growers higher yields without the harmful impacts of burning. It also provides consumers with the option of a more environmentally friendly grass.