League of Legends Patch 25.04 is here with massive meta-shifting Champion changes, item adjustments and more. This update ...
Mel is one of the more confusing playable champions in League of Legends, but knowing how to play around her abilities helps ...
Despite being the much-awaited League of Legends skin, Sahn-Uzal Mordekaiser is riddled with controversy because of the new ...
League of Legends' newest Champion Mel is just as OP in the game as she is on the big screen, so Riot Games is hotfixing her. Here's what we know. Let's explore all the details about League of ...
League of Legends fans never shy away from voicing their frustrations, and when Riot Games removed Hextech Chests, all heck ...
It centers on Noxus and the Black Rose after the events of the Netflix series, and its main highlight is Mel's debut as a new League of Legends champion. Another addition was the Masque of the ...
The League of Legends patch 25.S1.4 preview presents a multitude of modifications set to impact the MOBA, as disclosed by Matt Leung-Harrison (@RiotPhroxzon on X).
After already removing free Hextech chests from the game earlier this year, Riot Games may take away free bonuses for high ...